Step 1 : Discovery
- Review the basic “start-up” technology and brain storm how it could be improved?
- How much can we afford to budget for the unit cost for a single Grow It To Go! plant growth systems?
- What types of similar systems are already available, and how can the system we design be cheaper and better?
- Who is our primary target audience for the plant systems—what are their unique needs and interests that the Grow It To Go plant systems can address?
Step 2: Concept Development
- Categorize the ways that the Start-up Design can be improved.
- Clarify recommendations from targeted audience and prioritize their most important areas of interest.
- Identify key features and changes that would have the greatest impact with minimal cost increase and feature changes that could decrease unit costs.
- Form an advisory group (that includes representatives from the targeted consumer group) to review the concept.
Step 3: Resourcing
- Create a clear description of each component part, define its function, and cost.
- Define the dimensions and qualities required for each part.
- Outline the process for assembling all parts.
Step 4: Develop Task Plans
- Prepare a materials and supplies list.
- Describe design and assembly procedures in detail with revised parts & processes included.
- Develop a glow chart for all major tasks, showing calendar and class schedule times needed
- Prepare skills matrix to match with task list.
- Identify time, costs, and skills for all steps.
- Once the schedule, assembly tasks, skills, and team assignments are finalized, complete all tasks.
Step 5: Assess Outcomes and Make Future Plans
- Assess strengths and weaknesses of the design and assembly plan.
- Refine and revise designs based on review and feedback from clients.
- Discuss and review future plans for Grow It To Go! plant systems.
Next: Recommended Apps to Support Your Design Processes